Junk Food and Depression

Posted on May 10, 2017

Have you ever felt depressed? Most Americans have. It could be that what we’re eating contributes to our feelings of depression. A report published in the journal Public Health Nutrition noted a study showing those who eat fast food and commercial baked goods are 51% more likely to develop depression than those who eat little to none.

Almost 9,000 people were tested for this study over a six month period. Junk food was defined as things like cakes, doughnuts and croissants. Fast food was defined as things like hamburgers, hot dogs and pizza. Basically, this was stuff the average American eats, right? Researchers found that the more junk/fast food a person eats, the more likely they are to be depressed.

Interestingly, it’s not “all” about the foods a person eats. Other factors contributing to depression included being single and lazy while also smoking and working more than 45 hours a week. Furthermore, the less fruits and vegetables a person ate (as well as fish, nuts and olive oil), the more likely they were to be depressed.

Other studies, including one published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, found similar results.

Think about it this way: junk/fast food is highly processed. It’s not natural. When it goes into your body, your body isn’t exactly sure how to deal with it. In addition, that kind of food is typically deficient when it comes to nutrients. Therefore, your body isn’t getting proper nutrition in order to function at its best. If your body isn’t getting needed nutrients to make neurotransmitters, you’re likely to develop and/or deal with mental or behavioral problems.

So, if you’ve been feeling low, living on Pepsi and pizza every single day, what can you do to combat depression? Try adding more natural foods into your diet, and look for ones that supply you with omega-3 fatty acids, iron, magnesium and zinc. In addition, eat foods rich in Vitamins C, D and E. A “Mediterranean diet” might be the kind of thing to follow if you want to lessen depression.

Specifically, beans, spinach, avocado, tomatoes, egg yolks, and even fatty fish can help, too.

Lakewoods Chiropractic can help you figure out what foods to eat and what foods to avoid in your battle with depression. Please call 651-464-0800 to make an appointment today.

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